LMFM Radio Interview

Listen to miDesc Co-Founders Jamie & Barry on the LMFM Midmorning Radio Show with Aoibheann McCaul. 

Hear all about how miDesc came about & why it is something that every office and home should have. 

Standing Desks Are Helping Students Think on Their Feet

Standing desks, popular with a growing number of office workers who claim all-over health benefits, may be the right answer for fidgety, off-task students and their frustrated teachers. According to new research and a handful of NEA members who have alternative desks in their classrooms, educators who enable students to burn energy from their seats can reduce discipline problems and increase learning.

"I appreciate that I can adjust the height of my desk, in case I need to work again from a sitting position"

There are millions of people around the world, trapped in an uncomfortable chair where they are forced to spend an important part of their day. It’s not uncommon to feel sore after the end of the day, something that makes most people unhappy. Any self-respecting business that claims to care about employee’s wellbeing should consider offering them the opportunity to work from a stand-up desk.

Your Productivity Will Increase by 46 percent if You Stand at Your Desk, Says Study

Of the workers who could stand during the day on a regular basis, 75% said they had fewer body aches during the day. Another surprise was that the productivity gains kept increasing with each passing month. At first, standing did not increase their call rates. But by the second month, they were more productive due to the decrease in body discomfort and joint pains, according to the researchers.

6 science-based reasons to use miDesc

Standing for an afternoon has been shown to burn 170 more calories than an equal amount of sitting. Over time, this difference can have a major effect on your weight.

A study found that bus conductors who stood all day had half the risk of heart disease-related deaths as their colleagues in the driver’s seats.

Scientists have developed a much greater understanding of the effects of sitting on heart health, with prolonged sedentary time thought to increase the risk of heart disease by up to 147%

Additionally, 87% of those using standing desks reported increased vigor and energy throughout the day.

In a study of 60 office employees, using a standing desk for 4 hours each day had no adverse impact on characters typed per minute or typing errors.

Considering that standing improves mood and energy as well, using a standing desk is more likely to boost productivity rather than hinder it.

Working in an office can be as bad as smoking

Irish Independent :

Scientists who analysed data on a million men and women found that sitting for more than eight hours a day without taking exercise significantly increased the risk of dying early.

People in this group - who include many thousands of office workers - were up to 60% more likely to die prematurely than more active and less sedentary individuals.

Heart and artery disease and cancer were the two most likely causes of death linked to an inactive lifestyle.

Does physical activity attenuate, or even eliminate, the detrimental association of sitting time with mortality? A harmonised meta-analysis of data from more than 1 million men and women

High amounts of sedentary behaviour have been associated with increased risks of several chronic conditions and mortality. However, it is unclear whether physical activity attenuates or even eliminates the detrimental effects of prolonged sitting. This study examines the associations of sedentary behaviour and physical activity with all-cause mortality.

7 Science-Based Benefits of a Standing Desk

People who sit a lot have an increased risk of diabetes, heart disease and early death.

Additionally, sitting all the time burns very few calories, and many studies have linked it to weight gain and obesity.